;Copyright 2004 by the Dick Cappels. projects(at)cappels.org       www.projects.cappels.org
;Copy and paste this into an assembler file. 

.include "tn12def.inc" ;Note that no path is given for this file.

;Description: Keeps Portb B bit 1 low for the first 10 hours of each day. Port B bit 0 is a 1 Hz
;pulse to connect to an indicator LED or other monitoring device to indicate that interrupts are
;occuring - mainly to show that oscillator is working because you can't probe it without stopping it.
;Port B bit 2 is low for the first 30 seconds of each minute and high the rest of the time. This is
;for test purposes.

;This runs on an ATtiny12 with a 32768 Hz crystal connected between pins 2 and 3. No phase shift capacitors
;or other components should be connected to these pins.

;When Programming the chip:
;1. Select the Low Freuqency Crystal oscillator 67ms + 32k clock (CKSEL = 1000)

; bt040409D Most recent version.

;Define I/O
.equ testpin = 2 ;Port B bit 2 is the test output - low for first 10 seconds.
.equ bellpin = 1 ;Port B bit 1 is the bell relay driver -low for first 10 hours.
.equ winkled = 0 ;Port B bit 0 winks at 1 Hz, changed during interrupt time.

;Contreg (Control Register) bit descriptions and associated constants

.equ readclockinh = 1 ;if 1, inhibits clock from being written to user buffer. Autocleared by write routine
.equ readclockinhflag = 2 ;value ored with contreg to set flag
.equ readclockinhmask=$FD ;used to clear the falg when task completed
.equ writeclock = 2 ;*if 1, commands user buffer to be written to clock. Autocleared by write routine
.equ writelcockorflag= 4 ;value ored with contreg to set flag.
.equ writeclockmask =$FB ;used to clear the flag when task completed
.equ disableclock = 3 ;if 1 disables clock and alarm maintenance during interrupt
.equ disableclockorflag=8 ;value ored with contreg to set flag
.equ disableclockmask=$F7 ;used to clear flag by anding with contreg

;intflags Internal Flags register bit assignments and associated constants

.equ extintmask =$FE ;used to clear flag by anding with contreg
.equ rbtorflag = 8 ;used to set bit

;.equ almaskinitial =$FF ;Defaul value of alarm mask loaded at startup

.def rectimer= r0 ;number of t0 interrupts within on second (used to filter attn line)
.def sregtemp= r1 ;temporary storage of status register during interrupt time
.def uyear = r5 ;user accesible year user register 2
.def umonth = r6 ;user accessible month user register 3
.def uday = r7 ;user accessible day
.def uhour = r8 ;user accessible hour
.def uminute = r9 ;user accessible minute
.def usecond = r10 ;user accessible second
.def ayear = r11 ;alarm year (user accessible)
.def amonth = r12 ;alarm month (user accessible)
.def aday = r13 ;alarm day (user accessible)
.def ahour = r14 ;alarm hour (user accessible)
.def aminute = r15 ;alarm minute (user accessible)
.def asecond = r16 ;alarm second (user accessible)
.def contreg = r17 ;device control register, user register F
;/////end of user accessible registers
.def intflags= r18 ;internal flags - not user accessible
.def second = r19 ;second
.def minute = r20 ;minute
.def hour = r21 ;hour
.def day = r22 ;day
.def month = r23 ;month
.def year = r24 ;year
.def temp = r25 ;scratch
.def tempi = r26 ;scratch for use during interrupt

.ORG $0000
rjmp reset
reti ;external interrupt handler
reti ;pin change interrupt -return
rjmp tovflo ;timer overflow interrupt handler

ldi contreg,$00 ;Preload conreg flags
ldi temp,$80
out ACSR,temp
ldi temp,$03
out TCCR0,temp ;Set timer prescaler
in intflags,eedr ;Get the data into temp
andi intflags,$78 ;MAKE NORMAL STATE "BAILED", only bits 4,5,6 of EEPROM
clr second
clr minute
clr hour
clr day
clr month
clr year
ldi temp,$FF ;Pre-load second in user register with $FF so it can
mov usecond,temp ;be determined if the reigster was read before
;values are written by clock
ldi asecond,$FF ;Similarly, put $FF into the alarm seconds
;so alarm cab't fire until initialized.
clr tempi ;presets 500 millisecond counter
ldi temp,0 ;preload timer counter
out TCNT0,temp
ldi temp,$02 ;enable timer overflow interrupts
out TIMSK,temp
ldi temp,$FF ;load data direction value for PORTB
out DDRB,temp ;no pullups on B0 and B1 ***
andi intflags,$78 ;MAKE NORMAL STATE "BAILED", only bits 4,5,6 of EEPROM

main: ;Main loop - do this after each awakening from sleep. Wakes from sleep 2 times per
;second by timer interrupt.

;Set state of testpin according to number of seconds elapsed within current minute.
mov temp,usecond
cpi temp,30
brpl havetest
cbi PORTB,testpin ;Come here if test pin is to be off (low). Set test pin low.
rjmp notest
sbi PORTB,testpin ;Come here if test pin is to be on (high).Make test pin high.

;Set state of bellpin according to number of hours elapsed within current day.
mov temp,uhour
cpi temp,10
brpl havebell
cbi PORTB,bellpin ;Come here if bell pin is to be off (low). Set bell pin low.
rjmp nobell
sbi PORTB,bellpin ;Come here if bell is to be on (high. Make bell pin high.
;Go to sleep.
ldi temp,$22 ;enable sleep and set T0 to respond to falling edge
out MCUCR,temp ;enable sleep mode
ldi temp,$40 ;enable external interrupt 0
out GIMSK,temp
sei ;assure interrupts are enabled
sleep ;good night. Wait for the attention line to go low (interrupt 0)
rjmp main

;///////////////CODE BELOW IS ONLY TIMER INTERRUPT AND CLOCK CODE/////////////////
;///////////////TIMER OVERFLOW SERVICE//////////////////
tovflo: ;twice per second timer interrupt (assumes 32678 hz crystal)
in sregtemp,SREG ;save the status register contents
tst tempi ;Since the interrupt is twice a second, tempi will be used
brne even500ms ;to divide by two
cbi PORTB,winkled ;Set wink LED output low.
ldi tempi,1
rjmp lateExit
sbi PORTB,winkled ;Set wink LED output high.
tst rectimer
breq notimeout
dec rectimer
brne notimeout
ori intflags,rbtorflag
andi intflags,$7F ;**** possible savings of one word - is this redundant with flag clear in bail?

;//////write to clock//////
sbrs contreg,writeclock ;write user time registers to clock
rjmp nowrite
mov second,usecond
mov minute,uminute
mov hour,uhour
mov day,uday
mov month,umonth
mov year,uyear
andi contreg,writeclockmask ;clear write flag

;/////begin clock/calendar maintenance/////
;Year counter runs to 255 years. Leap test year assumes
;that the year is a leap year if bits 0 and 1 are low.

sbrc contreg,disableclock ;Skip clock/alarm maintenance if flag is set
rjmp skipclocktohere
inc second
cpi second,60
breq dominute
rjmp doneclock
dominute:clr second
inc minute
cpi minute,60
breq dohour
rjmp doneclock
dohour: clr minute
inc hour
cpi hour,24
breq doday
rjmp doneclock
doday: clr hour
inc day
cpi day,32
breq domonth
cpi day,31
brne check30
cpi month,4
breq domonth
cpi month,6
breq domonth
cpi month,9
breq domonth
cpi month,11
breq domonth
check30:cpi month,2
brne doneclock
cpi day,30
breq domonth
cpi day,29
brne doneclock
mov tempi,year
andi tempi,$03
breq doneclock
domonth:ldi day,1
inc month
cpi month,13
brne doneclock
ldi month,1
inc year
;/////end clock/calendar maintenance/////

;//////read from clock to user registers//////
sbrc contreg,readclockinh ;read from clock to user time registers
rjmp noread
mov usecond,second
mov uminute,minute
mov uhour,hour
mov uday,day
mov umonth,month
mov uyear,year
skipclocktohere: ;Just skipped the clock and alarm
clr tempi
andi intflags,extintmask ;clear ext interrupt counter **** should move to before lateExit
out SREG,sregtemp ;restore the status register contents

;end of assembly souce listing


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