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AttoBasic  Renumber Utility
By Scott Vitale


Programs for AttoBasic can be edited with a text editor and downloaded through a serial or USB connection. This utility works with AttoBasic version 2.0 and higher. This program can also be used to renumber text for other purposes.


 Executable for Windows

Unix BASH Script and executable Linux_Renumber.zip

Sample Program for testing purposes AD9337_Setup.txt

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Contents ©2012 Richard Cappels and Scott Vitale. Linked program, renumber.exe copyright 2012 by Scott Vitale. All Rights Reserved. Find updates at www.projects.cappels.org

First posted in September, 2012.

You can send  email to me at projects(at)cappels.org. Replace "(at)" with "@" before mailing.

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(Summary: No warranties, use these pages at your own risk. You may use the information provided here for personal and educational purposes but you may not republish or use this information for any commercial purpose without explicit permission.) I neither express nor imply any warranty for the quality, fitness for any particular purpose or  user, or freedom from patents or other restrictions on the rights of use of any software, firmware, hardware, design, service,information, or advice provided, mentioned,or made reference to in these pages. By utilizing or relying on software, firmware, hardware, design, service,information, or advice provided, mentioned, or made reference to in these pages, the user takes responsibility to assume all risk and associated with said activity and hold Richard Cappels harmless in the event of any loss or expense associated with said activity. The contents of this web site, unless otherwise noted, is copyrighted by Richard Cappels. Use of information presented on this site for personal, nonprofit educational and noncommercial use is encouraged, but unless explicitly stated with respect to particular material, the material itself may not be republished or used directly for commercial purposes. For the purposes of this notice, copying binary data resulting from program files, including assembly source code and object (hex) files into semiconductor memories for personal, nonprofit educational or other noncommercial use is not considered republishing. Entities desiring to use any material published in this pages for commercial purposes should contact the respective copyright holder(s).